Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mommies On A Mission ~ Week 4

Months Postpartum: 7 1/2
Last Weeks Weight: 125
This Weeks Weight: 124
So I missed last week because we had this crazy flu bug hit our house and I was a walking Zombie from the lack of sleep!
But we are back this week:)
Even though the kiddos were sick, I still got some exercising done. 
Daddy was home sick also for a bit and he let me go for a couple of morning runs. AND I did a ton of yard work, which probably doesn't sound like much but I felt it for days!
Anyways, I am happy I am losing weight.  It is coming off slowly but surely.
I started following a new blog called Bikini Body Mommy.  She has a 90 day challenge going on and I think I may join in!  I can't believe what she has accomplished!  It is very encouraging:)
I will post my scores next week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

7 Things... About My Home birth Babies

Besides being born at home, my home birth babies have a few other things in common...

1. They hate their baths... Even the one born in the tub!
2. Cloth diapers give them the worst rashes.
3. They love falling asleep on Daddy.
4. They hate sleeping in a crib.
5. They play with my hair when they are sleepy or hurt.
6. They can't wait to catch up with their older brother and sister.
7. They came into this world in the most peaceful and natural way:)

If you haven't already, you can read their birth stories here and here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We've Been...

We've (the kids and hubby) been sick!  These last two weeks have been sleepless nights, high fevers, breathing treatments, double ear infections, nasty coughs and lots of snuggling.

BUT!!  There were a lot of other things going on too:)
Believe it or not, life goes on even when the family has the flu!

So we've been...
 Pulling ourselves up onto furniture (at 7 months!!)



Eating lots of fresh eggs


Having dirt road date nights with my man

Watching Peter Pan... Over and over

Getting ready for kindergarten

Doing some late night reading

Sick and pathetic:(

Doing yard work

Bonding with Sugar

Yes, life goes on... WAY too fast!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mommies On A Mission ~ Week 2

Weeks Postpartum: 32 (does that still count as postpartum???)
Last Weeks Weight: 127
This Weeks Weight: 125
So like I said last week, all I need to do is run/work out and I will lose weight... well guess what, that's what I did!!
I am pretty happy about that considering the week I had!  And the fact that I really only ran once and did 3 days of Jillian Michaels.
I realized this week how fast your body falls out of shape AND how fast it comes back!!
I haven't ran in over 3 months and I figured I would pay for that and not be able to run my usual 3 miles, but I did!  I ran all of it with the double jogger and baby:)  It kicked my but and wasn't as easy as 3 months ago, but I ran it all without stopping.  Our bodies are seriously amazing!
Oh, and the new Jillian Michael's DVD I have kicked my butt also... Every move I make is sore now, and I love it!
Lastly, last weekend was a tough one for me (emotionally spent).  So Daddy took the kids for the day and I "relaxed" in the only way a mommy can... I went grocery shopping by myself and made Mason Jar Salads for the week.  They are so yummy (even Daddy likes them) and they are awesome to just grab and eat when I am busy (which is pretty much all the time).
Don't forget to check in with Emily and Angela:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

7 Things... Baby C Says

Two year olds are so stinkin' cute!
They think they are so grown up, yet they are trying to figure it all out.

When Baby C turned two, he started talking. He has his own little way of getting things across to us and while most of what he says is right on, he has a few words he had made up along the way that he is unwilling to change:)

I don't want to forget these words in 6 months... So here they are!!

1. Duby Duby, Dupe Dupe (chuga chuga, choo choo)
2. Cookie (thank you)
3. YaEe (Zane)
4. Sisses (Jaden)
5. Wa (water)
6. NaNa (all done)
7. Everything in a Brooklyn accent, hehe!

Here he is singing a lullaby to Sugar, our new bunny:)
I love this kid!!