Wednesday, February 6, 2013

7 Things... Baby C Says

Two year olds are so stinkin' cute!
They think they are so grown up, yet they are trying to figure it all out.

When Baby C turned two, he started talking. He has his own little way of getting things across to us and while most of what he says is right on, he has a few words he had made up along the way that he is unwilling to change:)

I don't want to forget these words in 6 months... So here they are!!

1. Duby Duby, Dupe Dupe (chuga chuga, choo choo)
2. Cookie (thank you)
3. YaEe (Zane)
4. Sisses (Jaden)
5. Wa (water)
6. NaNa (all done)
7. Everything in a Brooklyn accent, hehe!

Here he is singing a lullaby to Sugar, our new bunny:)
I love this kid!!

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