Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mommy Talk Tuesday {Mommy Me Time}

Thank you to everyone who has joined us the last couple weeks!
Please remember to grab a button and keep spreading the word:)

The Not So Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom
This weeks topic is {Mommy Me Time}
How important is "me" time for you?  What do you usually do for yourself? How often do you get "me" time and do you think it is often enough?  If not, what keeps you sane until you get your time?


Personally, me time is VERY important to me.  But my me time doesn't have to be anything big.  My favorite me time activity is taking a shower by myself... sounds pathetic, but it doesn't happen very often.  Usually I have at least one kid in the shower with me, so it is truly a luxury when I get to wash my hair without stepping on someone! 
Besides that, most of my me time is spent with Daddy.  When there is something I want to do, I usually want Daddy to go with.  Whether it's going out to dinner, visiting with friends,  seeing a movie, shopping trip to Home Depot, ect.  It is very rare that I leave the house without him:)  We try to go on a "date" at least once a week.  Luckily my mom lives right near us and LOVES her grand babies, so finding a baby sitter is pretty easy.
But there are a few occasions where I do go out completely alone.  And yes, it is awesome!  Just a week ago, I went to dinner with a friend who had just had a baby.  She had her baby boy with the same midwife that I used for Baby C and I will be using again for Baby #4.  So after dinner we went to see our midwife speak about homebirth at a local function.  Exciting, right?  Well it is for me at least!
On a daily basis, I try to do things that keep me going.  Drink a cup of coffee before the kids get up, read a book during nap time, catch up on blogging or pinterest.  But really, I need a little more then that... I am usually exhausted by the end of the day and wish I had the energy to enjoy more me time when the kids are asleep.  But I need sleep too!  Does that count as me time?!?
I can't wait to hear what all you lovely ladies do for me time!  Maybe I can get a few ideas:)


*Don't forget!!  We need suggestions every week for another Mommy Talk Tuesday topic.  So leave a comment about what you want to talk about and we will randomly select a new topic each week*

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